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Post Posted on Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:45 pm

Hey everyone! All of the "public" videos (read: the videos you see when you just click "Videos" above) are now back online. This includes all DVD previews. However, as I mentioned before, all the DVDs viewable online will have to uploaded in a different manner (using YouTube) since we don't really have as much space as we used to (which doesn't really matter, I like it better anyway). You can preview the "new" format by checking out the Bonus Materials of the 2010 Marching Band set (videos.php?aut=25&id=45). The two montages are still in the old format, which doesn't work, while the two DVD menus are in the new YouTube format, which DOES work. So check those out just to make sure everyone works okay. I do apologize if you like to download the videos - YouTube doesn't really have an easy way to download the videos, especially in such a way that I can just put a link on this site like I did before. There are ways if you have the right tools, but there's nothing much else I can do to help.

Next Up:
- Finish re-uploading online DVDs to YouTube (the band spring concert just finished)
- Variety Show 2011
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