Kaisonic.net - Registration

By accessing “Kaisonic.net” (hereinafter “we”, “us”, “our”, “Kaisonic.net”, “https://www.kaisonic.net”), you agree to be legally bound by the following terms. If you do not agree to be legally bound by all of the following terms then please do not access and/or use “Kaisonic.net”. We may change these at any time and we’ll do our utmost in informing you, though it would be prudent to review this regularly yourself as your continued usage of “Kaisonic.net” after changes mean you agree to be legally bound by these terms as they are updated and/or amended.

All videos on this site are copyright 2005-2025 Kaisonic Productions, Red-Light Green-Light Entertainment, and/or RTC Fusion Productions (depending on the content), with all copyrights also belonging to Thomas DeBell, with all rights reserved. "Kaisonic Productions," "Red-Light Green-Light Entertainment," "RTC Fusion Productions," "Kill Faz," "The Sonic Tales," "Kaisonic," and "Kaisonic.net" are all trademarks belonging to Thomas DeBell. You may view, download, and copy the videos on this site for the sole purpose of private viewing with no monetary gain. These videos may not be modified at any time by any third party. Any derivate works from these videos, including, but not limited to, songs, videos, animations, etc. that use these videos, in whole or in part, are strictly prohibited without express written permission by the copyright holder. These videos may not be hosted anywhere except Kaisonic.net and its subsidiaries (KillFaz.com, TheSonicTales.com, and KRDVDs.org) and any sites linked to from the Theater page (i.e. FileFront.com, YouTube.com). Posting these videos to any third-party site (including, but not limited to, YouTube.com) may only be done by us, the copyright holders. All links to Kaisonic.net, KRDVDs.org, KillFaz.com, and TheSonicTales.com may only point to the home page of the site, and direct linking to any videos or files hosted on this site is strictly prohibited. All third-party content used on this site and in the videos, including, but not limited to, sound effects, images, songs, animations, game engines, characters, symbols, likenesses, etc. are all copyright their respective trademark and copyright holders. All website coding and styling is either original and copyright phpBB (below), or modifications copyright Thomas DeBell. As per the General Public License, all modifications of phpBB used on this site and their source code are available by request from the administrator. Any terms or actions not specifically specified here should be inquired about before undertaking. In other words, if we didn't say anything about it here, you need to ask us about it. All violators of these terms will be banned and/or prosecuted to the maximum extent allowed by this agreement. Don't be stupid.

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